The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the linguistic means that are most characteristic of modern journalistic texts and to identify how the journalist’s personality is manifested in language. To find out how the features of modern journalistic speech are realized in journalistic texts.
Research methodology. To identify the relationship between the level of language training and the general level of development of a journalist and their professional qualities, the analysis, descriptive and generalization methods were used.
Results. The article focuses on the role of language training of journalists in modern society. The approaches of some scholars to the definition and structure of the linguistic personality are considered and its brief description is given. The study proves the idea of a close interrelation between thinking and speaking and its influence on the formation of a high level of professionalism, which needs to be constantly improved. Among the features of a journalistic text as a model of journalistic style, a certain place is occupied by expressiveness, which is achieved by the author with various linguistic techniques. The variants of their use indicate the changes taking place in society and are actively reflected in the language.
It is noted that the emergence of new concepts leads to the emergence of new names or the acquisition of new shades of meaning in certain linguistic constructions. The phenomenon of derivation contributes to the emergence of a new semantic load. The level of a journalist’s speech culture is influenced by the use of such expressive means as jargon/slang. They can be the result of the author’s conscious use of them in order to make the text sound closer to the needs of a certain circle of readers. The use of borrowed lexemes that have no equivalents in the Ukrainian language or have the wrong lexical meaning negatively affects the perception of the text by readers/listeners.
The novelty of the study lies in understanding the role of language training of future journalists in their professional development and the need to realize the role of language as a means of struggle on the journalistic front in the context of russian aggression against Ukraine.
Practical significance. The results obtained can be used in practical classes in the courses «Business Ukrainian Language» and «General Editing» in universities that train specialists in the specialty 061 «Journalism» and for further research on this issue.
Key words: linguistic tools, linguistic personality, linguistic manipulations, slang vocabulary, expressiveness, linguistic trend.
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