The purpose of the research is to outline a multidisciplinary complex that can effectively provide media education and, accordingly, meet the program results of such competence as media literacy.
Research methodology. Processing the the background materials for this paper, we applied a set of theoretical and empirical methods, including analytical-synthetic method, which allowed us to systematize scientific, educational, pedagogical and journalistic literature on the subject. Also, using the descriptive method helped structure the necessary material to obtain an effective result, in our opinion. Thus, the inductive generalization of the subject field of media education and media literacy allowed us to develop a comprehensive approach to the formation of critical thinking, adherence to media ecology and relevant functioning for both individuals and society as a whole in the media landscape.
Results. A structural approach to mastering the information broadcast in both traditional and modern media has been developed. It also has been proved that it is the multidisciplinary approach to media education that allows one to acquire self-reflection skills, critical analysis, and the development of socio-cultural consciousness, which are the basis of the information security strategy, reflected, to some extent, in the Law of Ukraine «On Media».
Novelty. As a result of the study, the basic provision of media education, in particular through psychology, cultural studies, computer science, etc. is proposed, which allows all segments of the population to acquire media literacy skills, besides psycholinguistics and semiotics being considered as professional approaches to developing media education competence.
Practical significance. The results of this work may be applied mainly for structuring educational and methodological complexes in higher education institutions providing such a discipline as media literacy, as well as by representatives of the media community for improving their own media competence.
Key words: media education, media literacy, media culture, psycholinguistics, communication, manipulation, critical thinking.
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