A. Dosenko


The aim is to study the multimodality of the content of modern platforms that have high readability in the audience.

Research methodology. Inductive-deductive method for the formation of theoretical aspects of studying multimodality and multiplatformity; descriptive-analytical – to derive a terminological vision of the multi-platform nature of communication channels; sociological survey method for studying the opinion of the audience.

The results. Multiplatformity as a media text is described on the example of existing channels, and its properties are defined. Interest in content is described in the results of sociological research, which covered 1000 respondents of different age categories.

The article offers the author’s vision of the concept of multi-platform communication channels.

Novelty. The author offers an attempt to describe the concept of multiplatformity, which is characteristic of platform forming as a process that functions in the field of applied social and communication technologies.

Practical meaning. The author performed not only a description of the multi-platform phenomenon, but also a content analysis of the content of the platforms, for which several multi-platform channels with a high level of readability, and therefore trust, were chosen. Among: Trukha Ukraine (2.27 million readers); Ukraine online (1.45 million); Top News (1.09 million); Zelenskiy official (1.2 million), TSN News (863.7 thousand).

The results of the work can be used for teaching the educational discipline at the Internet Journalism Higher Secondary School.

Key words: platforms, multiplatformity, clickbaiting, Internet space.


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