The Role of Social Communications in Confronting the Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War
The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems that complicate the role of social communications in confronting the challenges of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war and to propose ways to solve them in order to build a stable and harmonious society.
Research methodology. Using the method of critical analysis, the role of social communications in confronting the challenges of the war with russia was analyzed and their importance for building a stable and harmonious society was determined. In the process of information synthesis, the problems that complicate social communications during the war are highlighted. Recommendations for solving these problems were developed using the methods of induction and deduction.
The results. The article is devoted to the coverage and analysis of the role of social communications in confronting the challenges of the russian-ukrainian war. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for balanced information and support of citizens, as well as the need to fight disinformation and other challenges of war.
According to the results of the study, it was established that social communications play a critical role in confronting the challenges of the war in Ukraine. They create an information base, promote mobilization, shape public opinion, and psychologically support citizens and the military. At the same time, social communications are complicated by a number of problems, such as disinformation and fakes, censorship and restrictions on freedom of speech, psychological pressure and threats to journalists and activists, information overload, lack of access to information for certain population groups. Solving these problems requires increasing the level of media literacy of the population, protecting journalists and activists, developing independent mass media and hybrid media, encouraging transparency, and involving the international community.
Novelty. The study reveals the complex problems of using social communications in confronting the challenges of the war in Ukraine, and also provides specific recommendations for overcoming these problems in the process of building a stable and harmonious society.
The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying the obtained results to improve the effectiveness of social communications in the conditions of war in Ukraine, strengthening public order and national unity.
Key words: social communications, communication trends, social networks, fakes, media literacy.
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