YouTube is also TV: New Concepts of Television and Radio Broadcasting in Global Media Systems

V. Goian, О. Goian


Research goals include the interpretation of the functional core of TV and radio broadcasting in global, and, primarily, Ukrainian media systems, the correctness of the interpretation of the terms «TV» and «radio broadcasting», which are fundamental for television and radio journalism, scientific and educational concepts.

Research methodology. Using the methods of survey, interview, and observation, the authors of the article establish a scientific foundation necessary for understanding that television and radio broadcasting is a unique content that is not duplicated by other media, platforms, services, or technologies unrelated to audiovisual, visual, and sound concepts. Additionally, any audiovisual product placed, for example, on YouTube can also be considered television or radio broadcasting.

Results. The article offers a professional perspective on the role and place of television and radio broadcasting as audiovisual media and arts in the modern information space. Specifically, it discusses that all linear or nonlinear audiovisual content created and transmitted over a distance using modern audiovisual signal delivery technologies (broadcast, satellite, cable, and online broadcasting) and capable of being received by subscribers/users through corresponding receivers or platforms: all of this constitutes television and radio broadcasting.

Novelty. TV and radio broadcasting as types of audiovisual media are classic media concepts, which, like classics, cannot be «outdated», «antiquated», «traditional» and so on. Through different media technologies they are being developed, modernised, and new forms and formats for creating and publishing content are being found.

Practical meaning. Video-sharing platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, TikTok, and others may also be considered television and radio broadcasting due to the audiovisual content layout characteristic of these platforms, but these platforms are not media.

Key words: TV, radio broadcasting, audiovisual content, audiovisual product, television and radio journalism.


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