Online Media Coverage of the Topic of Drones during the War in the Context of Aviation

O. Melnykova-Kurhanova, V. Vasylchenko, M. Lashkina


The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of coverage of the topic of drones during the war in the context of aviation.

Research methodology. The research was carried out using the theoretical method to analyse the latest works of domestic and foreign researchers, the monitoring method (materials on the topic of our study were systematised), the content analysis method (news about drones from March to May 2023 were analysed), and the systematic approach (used to organise journalistic materials on drones in the context of the aerospace industry).

Results. The scientific achievements of modern domestic and foreign researchers on the role of drones in the media and during the war are summarized; the features of content about aviation and drones, in particular in online media, are identified; informational, analytical texts, journalistic, documentary films of 2022 and 2023 covering aviation topics presented in online media are analysed; a content analysis of the news discourse on drones during the war is carried out on the example of the Ukrainska Pravda website; monitoring of journalistic and documentary materials on aviation is carried out.

The novelty of the results is the identification of the peculiarities of content, presentation, and choice of journalism genre in materials on aviation topics, in particular, drones.

Practical significance. The findings can be used in teaching the courses Aviation Journalism, Publicistics and Documentary, and Social Media. Coverage of the topic of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles is an integral part of the analysis of the current Russian-Ukrainian war, so the study may be of interest to experts and military analysts.

Key words: online media, drones, aviation journalism, content, documentary.


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