Online Media Approaches to Coverage of Roma Issues during the Full-Scale War

Y. Radchenko, K. Sirinyok-Dolgaryova


The purpose of the study is to outline the approaches used by Ukrainian online publications to cover Roma issues in their materials during a full-scale war. The tasks of the research are to identify trends in the use of language and content elements in media texts, their observance of professional ethics and journalistic standards.

Research methodology. A combination of methods is used in scientific exploration. In order to identify the language of hostility and Romaphobia in the coverage of Roma topics, a textological analysis of linguistic means in the media was applied. Qualitative content analysis was applied to identify trends in compliance or violation of ethical and professional norms in top online media indexed in the Google search engine. The methods of generalization and induction were applied during the systematization of the analyzed publications and the formulation of research conclusions.

Results. The full-scale war further exacerbated the already difficult situation with Roma rights in Ukraine. This also applies to the media, which, instead of uniting the Roma national community and promoting its integration, began to separate it from Ukrainians in general. Some local and national media continue to «play» on clickbait headlines, violation of ethical norms through the use of hate speech and Romaphobia, thereby devaluing and humiliating Ukrainian citizens of Roma origin. At the same time, the analysis of media content – the language of publications, their form, content – showed that Ukrainian journalists, in comparison with previous years, began to use correct vocabulary and write balanced materials more often, observing the rules of journalistic ethics and standards of balance and credibility.

Novelty. This study specifies the approaches of online media in working with Roma topics, allows to follow the latest situation with coverage of the life of the Roma national community during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

Practical meaning. The results of the work can contribute to the establishment of interaction between journalists and the Roma community in times of full-scale war. In addition, this research can be used directly by Roma activists and community organizations to raise public awareness of Roma culture and identity.

Key words: Roma, online media, Roma issues, Romaphobia, hate speech, journalistic standards.


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