Leisure Time as a Value: the Role of Ukrainian Journalism in Shaping the Relevant Cognitive and Behavioral Effects

N. Rashkevych, А. Bezeiko


The purpose of the study is to determine the level of information influence of modern Ukrainian journalism on the shaping of the audience’s leisure culture, in particular, to specify the cognitive, value and behavioral effects of such influence. To achieve this purpose, the following tasks need to be accomplished: to review the Ukrainian media for coverage of cultural events and monitor the problematization of the leisure time topic, to conduct a sociological survey to highlight the place of leisure time in the system of values of modern people and the role of the media in shaping such an axiological model.

Research methods. To achieve this purpose, the following methods were used: media monitoring, traditional analysis of documents, content analysis, sociological survey, synthesis, etc.

Results. The article presents journalism as a potentially important social institution for the shaping of the audience’s leisure culture, describes the range of ways (information flows) in the media that can directly or indirectly influence the idea of leisure time and cultivate people’s leisure activities. Two layers of information in the media are analyzed in detail: cultural news as a factor of the so-called unobtrusive influence on the organization of the audience’s leisure time, as well as journalistic materials in which the issue of leisure time is openly problematized. Previously, the media were monitored for relevant topics. The sociological survey helped to establish the level of information influence of Ukrainian journalism on the value perception of leisure time in society at the cognitive and behavioral levels.

Novelty. The study raises the problem of the informational influence of journalism on the shaping of the audience’s leisure culture, which has not been studied in Ukrainian social communication science.

Practical significance. For journalism studies, the research is needed as a means of drawing attention to an important scientific problem, with a comprehensive examination of which the knowledge gained, integrated into journalism education, will have a positive impact on media practice.

Key words: journalism, leisure time, leisure culture, media, information influence, cognitive/value/ behavioral effects.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.3(55).10


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