Feedizing of Mass Media Editorial and Assistance to the Army: Analysis of Announcements About Financial Collections on Telegram Media Pages During the Full-Scale Invasion of Russia Into Ukraine

I. Mudra, N. Voitovych


The purpose of the study: to show how the mass media during the war in Ukraine helped the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the help of financial contributions.

Research methodology. The following research methods were used during the research: dialectical method of cognition, systematic approach, and analysis of scientific works of scientists. A content analysis was also used, during which the announcements about fundraising for the assistance of the Armed Forces from the media editorial offices were analyzed.

The results. The article examines such a concept as «failing», its peculiarity and difference from charity. It was also analyzed for which military needs fundraisers are announced and published on mass media pages in the Telegram messenger. Telegram channels of such mass media as: «Ukrainian Pravda», «Channel 24» and «TSN» were selected for analysis. Announcements about fundraising for the needs of the Ukrainian military, which were published during 524 full-scale wars in Ukraine (from February 24, 2022, to August 1, 2023), were selected for the study. The study proved that the Ukrainian mass media are actively involved in fundraising for the needs of the military and are themselves the initiators of aid to the Armed Forces.

The mass media actively support the military, they independently announce fundraisers to purchase necessary things for the Armed Forces and publish messages about fundraisers from their editorial staff, volunteers, commercial organizations, and the military. Our research proved that journalists actively help the military, there were several situations when mass media editors managed to collect the necessary funds and close the announced collection within a few hours after the collection was announced. And these amounts reached several hundred thousand hryvnias.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the announcement about fundraising for the needs of the Armed Forces, which the mass media published in their Telegram channels during the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, was analyzed.

Practical meaning. The research is useful and interesting not only for Ukrainian researchers, but also for foreign ones. For editorial staff, the results of the study show that publishing announcements about fundraising for the military not only has a positive effect on the image of the mass media, but also demonstrates the level of audience trust in journalists.

Key words: assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war, mass media, fundraising, charity, fundraising for the military, financial collection.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.3(55).14


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