Communication Technologies of Distance Education: Bibliometric Analysis of Publication Flows

A. Petrushka, D. Maletych


The article aims to identify the trends and dynamics of the publication flow regarding the use and implementation of online learning technologies..

Research methodology. The research methodology based on bibliometric analysis, comparison method, descriptive method and visualization method. By means of bibliometric analysis, diachronic, geographical and linguistic sections of the publication flow on the use and implementation of online learning technologies were made. The comparison method was used to determine the features of the publication streams presented in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Results. A diachronic analysis of the search results using the keywords 1) «online learning» or «educational platform» and 2) «online learning school» or «educational platform school» confirmed the positive dynamics of publication flows. At the same time, the scientific content of Scopus and Web of Science demonstrates significant differences regarding the nature of the intensification of publishing activity in the context of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The geographical section of the publication flow determined the dominant countries-sources of scientific content: USA, China, Great Britain. The share of domestic content is insignificant and amounts to 0.4% and 0.5% in Scopus and Web of Science, respectively. The language slice of the publication stream showed the dominance of English, Spanish and Portuguese scientific content in both databases.

The novelty of the obtained research results lies in the application of bibliometric analysis tools to determine the dynamics and trends of the publication flow regarding the use and implementation of online learning technologies.

Practical meaning. The obtained results can serve as a methodological basis for further studies of publication flows in other areas of scientific knowledge.

Key words: publication flow, scientific content, bibliometric analysis, distance learning, educational platforms, database.


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