Use of Communication Technologies by Modern Charitable Organizations in Ukraine
Purpose of research. The article is aimed to study the peculiarities of using communication and PR methods by modern charitable organizations in Ukraine, in particular, the United 24 platform, the «Come Back Alive» international charitable foundation and Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation.
Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the work of Ukrainian scholars who have studied the methods of charity’s impact on the public and a review of the empirical basis of the study (websites of the United 24 platform, the «Come Back Alive» charitable foundation, and Serhiy Prytula Foundation). The following approaches were used to determine the peculiarities of the use of communication technologies by leading modern Ukrainian charitable organizations: comparative and historical, retrospective, situational, and analytical. Methods: observation, descriptive, comparative, generalization.
Results. The article focuses on analyzing and systematizing the peculiarities of PR communications of large Ukrainian charitable organizations and identifying the most effective tools for achieving fundraising goals.
It is emphasized that the use of any means of advertising and PR should include digital technologies and be enhanced by the availability of image resources that contribute to the quality positioning of a charitable organization – a strong personal brand, reputational capital and a credit of trust from society.
It is noted that modern charitable organizations and fundraising platforms are characterized by the use of crowdfunding technologies, fundraising, ambassadors, digital advertising and special projects.
The features of the use of advertising and PR methods in charity are revealed on the example of the most successful charitable organizations in Ukraine, the level of correlation of the used tools with the performance of activities (the amount of funds raised) is outlined, the role of communication techniques in the effective achievement of goals is determined.
Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the most effective methods, tools and techniques of communication used by leading Ukrainian charitable organizations during a full-scale war in Ukraine and representing the existence of links between advertising, PR, image-making, IT technologies in the process of achieving financial and information goals.
Practical significance. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of their use in the formation of educational programs and courses on professional communication in the field of charity, as well as the implementation of best practices in the communication processes of charitable and non-profit organizations in Ukraine.
Key words: fundraising, crowdfunding, collaboration, publicity, public relations, reputation, digital advertising.
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