Social Media as a Source of News Information Since the Beginning of the Russian Full-Scale Invasion: Main Trends of Use

L. Solomenko


The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the use of social media by Ukrainians to receive news information since the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion on 24 February 2022.

Methodology. To write the article, the following general scientific methods were used: analysis of the literature on the issue under study, as well as the descriptive method, the method of systematic and comparative analysis, generalisation, and the graphical method to identify the main trends in the use of social media by Ukrainians as a source of news information since the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion.

Results. The following main trends in the use of social media by Ukrainians as a source of news since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion have been identified, in particular: most Ukrainians began to receive news information from social media on 24 February 2022, with news Telegram channels becoming the most important; the main reasons for using news Telegram channels are convenience, presentation of news that is not available in official media, and speed; to get acquainted with the news in the Telegram, users need from 1 to 5 channels that are monitored daily; text posts with photos proved to be the easiest to understand of all types of information presentation; understanding the dangers of fake news does not prevent Telegram users from remaining regular readers.

Novelty. The article describes and substantiates the situation regarding the priority of social networks as a source of news information, in particular, news Telegram channels, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The author highlights the main trends in the use of news Telegram channels by Ukrainians – access to them since 24 February 2022, convenience, speed and filling the information gaps of official media, the ability to use up to 10 or more non-institutionalised news Telegram channels in order to obtain more detailed information and compare the messages received, preference for text posts with photos, ignoring the danger of fake news, which is more typical of non-institutionalised Telegram channels than official media channels. It has been found that from the beginning of the full-scale invasion and almost until the end of 2022, Telegram has confidently maintained its leading position as a source of news information.

Practical significance. The results of the study are of practical importance for teachers of the major 061 «Journalism», and can also be taken into account by specialists involved in the preparation of content for social networks, in particular for news channels of the Telegram social network.

Key words: social network, news information, trends in the use of social networks, Telegram, news Telegram channels, content, types of posts.


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