Communication Strategies for the Popularization of Ukrainian Culture on the Example of Instagram Projects of Sofia Bezverha @krapka.krapka

V. Kovpak, А. Lutsenko


The purpose of the study is to analyze communication strategies for the popularization of Ukrainian culture using the example of the Instagram projects of Sofia Bezverha @krapka.krapka.

Research methodology. The following methods were used during the research: classification (types of communication strategies), discourse analysis (content analysis taking into account historical, political and social circumstances), synchronic method (emphasis on the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine), BuzzSumo content marketing analytical tool.

Results. The article describes the concepts of «Instagram projects», «communication strategies», «narrative regulation» in the information and cognitive war. Taking into account the results of expert research on the popularity of social networks as communication channels, the analysis of the content of Instagram projects, which chose as their thematic focus the popularization of Ukrainianness as a national identification practice in the conditions of war, is relevant and promising for educational and educational practices. Communication strategies of Sofia Bezverhoya’s blog – thematic posts of counter-propaganda regarding Ukrainian culture, special projects, collaborations with artists, online and offline lectures, podcasts, reels; vlogs dedicated to Ukrainian traditions, selections of literature, etc. – break the stereotype about the low demand for intellectual content and popularize the practices of «decolonization of thinking».

The scientific novelty consists in the revealed mechanics of applying communication strategies for the popularization of Ukrainian culture within the Instagram projects of the blog of Sofia Bezverha @krapka.krapka for the narrative regulation of this issue in the information space and confirmation of the effectiveness of these practices with a monitoring Internet resource (due to the intensification of the author’s presence in the information field outside the blog).

Practical meaning. The practical significance of the article and the perspective of research on the communication strategies of Instagram projects for the popularization of Ukrainian culture during the Russian-Ukrainian war are evidenced by the analyzed dynamics of the audience’s interest in content designed to «decolonize» thinking, to study Ukrainian culture as a component of national security and national identification.

Key words: Instagram projects, national identity content, narrative regulation, communication strategies, popularization of culture.


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