Visual Instruments as Component of Effective Communication of Military-Themed Video Content

V. Goian, D. Falkowskyi


The article highlights various aspects of visual means of video content on the YouTube channel of one of the leading units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It can be argued that this popular type of broadcasting also forms a certain type of mass communication, the target audience of which is mainly military personnel and recruits who consider this or that unit as promising for military service.

The purpose of the research is to analyze visual media as a component of video content, namely, directing, videographer work, sound accompaniment and editing, to find out their functions in the perception of this content, as a tool for forming a comfortable perception of information on the example of local materials distributed on the Internet.

The research methodology. In the research process, such methods were used as: systematization, for the study of theoretical material; critical review; analysis (for the study of expressive means of video content); synthesis (to establish a connection between the applications of audiovisual tools and to synthesize the successful experience of their combination); comparison (to compare the same means of information transmission in different video materials), monitoring and observation (to identify specific audiovisual tools).

Novelty. For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the visual means of the video content of the military unit intended for public communication, the color solution of the video content, computer graphics techniques and filming was carried out. We considered visual media as a component of video content and clarified their functions and role in information perception.

Practical significance. The obtained results can find practical application in organizing the work of PR specialists in state structures, military educational institutions, as well as for further research in the field of military communication technology in general. Also, the results can be applied for the factual addition of disciplines related to the subjects of journalism and social communications, in particular, for the specialties «Audiovisual art and production», «Journalism», «Advertising and public relations». In addition, they can be useful as a source base for further scientific, methodical and practical developments to scientific and pedagogical workers of military educational institutions for the creation of educational materials and units for effective advertising to attract volunteers, etc.

It was found that a number of visual means of the analyzed video content include (but are not limited to) the following elements: cross-editing, editing by size, aerial photography, first-person view, color correction, etc. All these tools, beyond any doubt, have a significant impact on the formation of citizens’ opinions and effective transfer of experience.

Key words: visual media, montage, video content, Russian-Ukrainian war, mass media, visual image, cinematography.


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