Special Publications on Social Communications Specialties 061 «Journalism» About War and in the Conditions of War (Period of Full-Scale Invasion)

А. Kovalenko, О. Prokopovich


The purpose of the study is to reveal the activities of Ukrainian researchers in the field of «social communications» specialty 061 Journalism and to highlight their scientific achievements in the context of the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the representation of their scientific achievements in professional publications.

Research methodology. Monitoring, comparative, synchronous, descriptive and meta-analyses were used to achieve the goal. This approach contributes to a deeper understanding of the subject area and the identification of patterns and trends in research related to the study of publications and the general field of science «social communications», specialty 061 Journalism in the context of war.

Results. The conclusions state that the relevance and novelty of scientific articles by domestic authors is indisputable, because research is carried out using sociological, structural-functional and other approaches; using communicative, receptive, conceptual and other analyses; qualitative and quantitative methods, etc. All communicative processes in the information space, general political and specialized mass media, social networks come into focus; impact on their war content; military narratives; their linguistic aspects; media literacy of the audience; manipulativeness; propaganda/counter-propaganda etc. Various social groups, information dissemination channels, influence technologies, etc. are studied in the research.

Novelty. The author in the article reviews and analyzes scientific works in the field of «social communications» specialty 061 Journalism in the magazines: «Communications and Communicative Technologies», «Current Issues of Mass Communication», «Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University: Journalism», «State and regions. Series: Social communications», «Scientific works of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology», «Ukrainian Information Space», «Printing Horizons» National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky», «Bulletin of Lviv University. Series: Journalism» of I. Frank Lviv National University, «Obraz» Sumy State University, «Synopsis: Text, Context, Media» Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University of the period of full-scale invasion. The books on the relevant topic were analyzed in order to establish the appropriate representation, features and perspectives of the study.

Practical significance. The results of this monitoring study reveal certain trends, innovative concepts and gaps in the field under study, and will also contribute to the diversification of the subject, deepening of certain aspects of research. Also, they can be used for further research on specific issues, for dissertation works, ultimately in the process of studying the courses «Methodology, organization and presentation of media research», «Challenges of the information society for journalists and journalism», «Research of public opinion and its use in journalism» etc.

Key words: social communications, scientific periodicals, analysis, content, war.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.4(56).3


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