Thematic Paradigm of Regional TV Channels' News Programs in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War

Y. Nahorna


The purpose of the study is to point out the thematic specifics of the content of news programs on regional TV channels.

Research methodology. The study used general scientific methods of analysis and generalization. The main method is content analysis, and monitoring and comparison methods were also used. The article is devoted to the study of the thematic paradigm of the news programs of the regional TV channels «Channel 12» (Lutsk), «STS» (Sumy), «Grad» (Odesa), «MTM» (Zaporizhzhia) in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The empirical base consists of 120 news releases of the selected channels aired from 01.06.2023 to 30.06.2023.

The results. The relevance of the study is due to the need to identify the leading topics on each of the selected TV channels, as well as their deviation from the dominant model, which is dominated by: reports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the state of events on the front lines, stories of IDPs, criminal chronicles, social issues of the region, volunteer initiatives, medicine, sports competitions and cultural events. The study found that during the war, the popularity of regional media in Ukraine increased significantly. The war and the socio-economic situation in the country led to the reformatting of the media space, which affected the topics of news programs on regional TV channels.  The study found that during the war, the popularity of regional media in Ukraine increased significantly. The war and the socio-economic situation in the country led to the reformatting of the media space, which affected the topics of news programs on regional TV channels.  Through quantitative analysis of news stories on the prevalence of certain topics in the newscasts, it is proved that stories on criminal and social issues were most often broadcast on Channel 12 and MTM, while on Grad TV channel information about reports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and videos about culture prevailed, and the thematic content of the newscasts of STS mainly concerns social issues of the region and medicine. 

Novelty of the study lies in the attempt to scientifically outline the peculiarities of the topics of news stories on Ukrainian regional channels during Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained to improve and enhance the thematic content of news programs on regional TV channels.

Key words: regional television, TV channel, audience, news story, thematic content, media space, news journalism, media market.


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