Media of EU diasporas in the Ukrainian Media Space

О. Syneokyi, K. Sizova, V. Khmil-Chupryna


The purpose of the study is to analyze the means of mass communication of the diasporas of the EU as a component of the media space of Ukraine and highlight the role of the media of national minorities in the aspect of building a multicultural society.

Research methodology. With the help of methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, analogy and juxtaposition, the features of the media of the EU diasporas are determined; the historical method was used to study the development of the national minorities’ media; content analysis – to study the media content.

Results. The majority of Ukrainian media of national minorities, in particular the EU diasporas, arose in the 90s of the last century after the collapse of the USSR in the wake of national uplift. Ethnic communities actively created their own newspapers, magazines, and rarely radio and television. However, all these media faced a lack of funding and only those that had stable support (either foreign or diasporas) have survived to this day. The most important functions of diasporas mass media are the preservation of national traditions, but at the same time, the diasporization of the identity of their target groups, the construction of national communities, which, in the conditions of active development of information and communication technologies, cross local and national borders. The content of most media outlets of EU diasporas differs from the content of Ukrainian media not only in terms of a set of stories and topics: ethnic media outlets create a positive image of an ethnic or diasporic group. That is why it is very important that each national minority is represented in the media space.

Novelty. A comprehensive study of traditional and new media of the EU diasporas in Ukraine is conducted; theoretical ideas about the media of national minorities are improved.

Practical significance. Research materials and results can be used in university courses on the theory and practice of journalism, in media studies special courses.

Key words: media of EU Diasporas, Ukrainian media space, media of national minorities, multicultural society, traditional and new media.


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