How War Sounds: Narrative Podcasts as a Product of Media Convergence

H. Skurtul


The purpose. The aim of the scientific research is to determine the functioning features the narrative podcasts of the audio projects of Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine «Suspilne»: «Yak my vyzhyly» («How we survived»), «Poshramovanyi» («Scarred») and «Moia istoriia viiny» («My war story»). The research focuses on the peculiarities of narrative design, construction of meanings, structural organization uniqueness, ways and methods of historical information actualization, and its media coverage.

Research methodology. The author applies the following research methods: current scientific information analysis, monitoring and interpretation methods, descriptive and analytical as well as problem and topical methods, methods of systematization and generalization. The article proves that narrative podcasts creation makes it possible to record and archive various war experiences. The core genre is oral story (storytelling) makes the narratives realistic and actualized as well as it contributes to mentalising and strengthening of the emotional background of the story, due to above mentioned effects listeners manage to immerse themselves in the story, empathize with characters and be ready to understand the events as well as reflect.

Novelty. The novelty of the research implies the profound research of inefficiently studied aspects of the podcasting analysis: the specifics of its functioning, the genre potential as a convergent media product; analysis of the podcast as an author’s attempt at reinterpretation of historical topics, documentary materials.

Practical meaning. The practical application of the research results after analyzing the media projects of «Suspilne»: «Yak my vyzhyly» («How we survived»), «Poshramovanyi» («Scarred») and «Moia istoriia viiny» («My war story») can be used for the development of practical recommendations for improving the production of narrative podcasting, as well as its expressive specificity intensification.

Key words: podcast, narrative podcast, podcast journalism, media convergence, audience, non-fiction audio project, audio story.


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