Journalistic Project of Anti-Fakes «Let's Verify» in the Conditions of War

L. Cherniavska, Y. Yevraiev


The purpose of the study characteristiщт of Ukrainian journalistic projects aimed at countering disinformation, to reveal the specifics of local media projects focused on working with local communities during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Research methodology. The research was carried out using general scientific theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis. In order to obtain quantitative indicators, the method of surveying the audience of the Pavlograd television and radio campaign was used during the recognition of true and fake information.

Results. Mass media play the role of mediators of media criticism in societies with a developed civil society under conditions of democracy. Ukraine has the experience of strengthening public interest in media criticism in the conditions of war and the need to oppose unreliable information and informational aggression. Research by the Ukrainian platforms «Detector Media» and «IMI» prove that Ukrainian society is aware of the destructive influence of Russian fakes and is interested in the possibilities of opposing these destructive media phenomena. Local newsrooms that work for local communities participate in such activities, in particular, by creating media products that give the audience the opportunity to learn the skills of working with questionable information and distinguishing between false and true information. The article is devoted to Ukrainian mass media media critical projects that help their audience to become media literate and learn to work with information in the conditions of Russian information aggression. Among the various Ukrainian media products of this direction, the «Let’s Check» program of the municipal channel «Pavlograd Television and Radio Company» is highlighted. The work uses the results of program analysis and interaction with the audience on social media platforms.

Novelty. Media critical projects and projects of media literacy acquire new perspectives in the conditions of the war in Ukraine, so the classification of such projects, their review and instruments for interaction with the audience become an important factor in the formation of civil society in Ukraine.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on communication, formation of media reality in the specialties «Journalism», «Advertising and Public Relations», «Information Business», media practitioners in matters of studying the instruments of media reality formation

Key words: fakes, media literacy, media education, media reality, mass media, anti-discrimination practices, war in Ukraine.


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