Animal Protection Issues in Online Media Ukrinform during the War
The purpose of the study is to characterize the trends in the thematic direction of animal protection materials in the online media «Ukrinform» during the war period.
Research methodology. Methods of systematization, analysis and synthesis, and interpretation were used for the study of animal protection materials. An overview of the scientific discourse on animal protection was made. For the analysis, the monitoring of animal welfare-related publications of the online media «Ukrinform» was involved, as a media that is a source of information for the Ukrainian media.
The results. The article is devoted to animal protection activities as a subject for distribution and discussion in the media space. Traditionally, animal protection as a topic remained in the background, coming forward only occasionally. However, during the crisis period, when the Ukrainian community faced the consequences of the armed conflict en masse in the active phase, attention was drawn to another group of witnesses and victims of harsh everyday life. While volunteer and animal protection organizations fight for the life, rights and welfare of animals, the Ukrainian media comprehensively covers their activities, preventing this painful topic from disappearing from the mass consciousness.
Novelty. Animal protection topics acquired new forms and reached a new level during the war period. Animal protection as a field of activity in Ukraine has faced new challenges of reality and is now constantly searching for solutions to its pressing issues. The role of the media in this case is great, the more the problem is highlighted, the closer it becomes to its solution.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on communication, ethics and human rights activities to form value foundations in students of the «Journalism» specialty, as well as media practitioners in matters of disclosing the topic of animal protection and its goals.
Key words: animal protection, mass media, human rights activities, information agencies.
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