The Beginnings of the Information and Publishing Activities of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Providence» in the USA
The article examines the initial period of formation and development of the information and publishing activities of the reason for the creation of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Provydinia» («Providence») against the background of the establishment of a number of fraternal relief organizations in the USA.
It was found that the reason for the founding of the union was the confessional and socio-political ideals of the Ukrainian Catholic community in the United States. The ideological conditions of the information and publishing activity of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Provydinnia» («Providence») were also considered.
The main areas of information and publishing activity of the Union in the first decade of its activity are substantiated – «Ameryka» («America») newspaper, annual calendar-almanacs, book publishing.
The purpose of the study is to find out, systematize and introduce into scientific circulation factual material regarding the information and publishing activities of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Provydinnia» («Providence»), its ideological policy in the sphere of influence on social processes in the environment of Ukrainian emigration in the USA.
Research methodology. The basis of the research is axiological, cultural, systemic approaches; the methods of historicism, analysis, synthesis, and generalization were used.
The results. The tasks faced by the publishing house and the magazine «Ameryka» («America») are outlined; the confessional, socio-political and social reasons for the creation of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Provydinnia» («Providence») and its information and publishing activities were clarified; the main directions of information and publishing activities of the Union are defined; emphasis is placed on the importance of the influence of information and publishing activities of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Provydinnia» («Providence») both on the environment of the organization's members and on the general public of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA; the ideological basis of the activity of the magazine «America» was analyzed.
The novelty is that for the first time information on the first period of press and information publishing activity of the Union of Ukrainian Catholics «Provydinnia» («Providence») has been analyzed and summarized.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying the courses «History of Ukrainian Journalism» and «History of Publishing» in the specialty «Journalism».
Key words: «Ameryka»(«America»), publishing house, community, ideology, calendar-almanac, «Provydinnia» («Providence»), editor, Union of Ukrainian Catholics, newspaper.
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PDF (Українська)References
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