Business Models of Key Players in the Field of Digital Distribution of E-Books in Ukraine. 2011–2023
A new field of e-book distribution has emerged and developed in Ukraine due to the impact of digital technology on the publishing industry.
This research aims to: Identify the key players in the field of digital distribution of e-books by Ukrainian publishers from 2011 to 2023. Analyse and describe the value propositions and business models of digital book distribution start-ups in Ukraine.
Research methodology. The study analyses the value propositions and business models of various companies operating in e-book distribution in Ukraine, using the case study method and mystery shopping. The generalisation of the data obtained as a result of the case study was achieved by using historical, analytical, synthetic and comparative methods, classification methods and a systematic approach.
Results. Thirteen players were found to be active in e-book distribution between 2011 and 2023 (seven entered the market in 2011–2018 and another six in 2019–2023), with three platforms closing in the last five years. Of the ten active players, six specialise in e-book sales with a «digital only» business model (Booxters, Booknet, Chytanka, Librarius, Pocketbook) and four are online bookstores with an omnichannel business model, selling both print books and e-books (Yakaboo, KnigoLand, Knygarnya «E», Nash format). The main business model for all players in e-book distribution is direct sales, although distributors are increasingly adopting combined business models (direct sales plus subscription). A positive trend is the implementation in the field of digital distribution of e-books in Ukraine of business models that are popular in foreign digital publishing, in particular, self-publishing (Booknet) and e-book lending (Librarius). Important for the development of Ukrainian digital book production and sales is the focus of distributors on ensuring closed access and strict protection of book content against piracy sharing.
The novelty lies in the development of a chronological list of the main players who have worked (or are working) in the field of digital distribution of Ukrainian e-books; identifying their business models and analysing their value propositions: e-book formats, types of access to content and ways of protecting content.
Practical significant. The results of this research will be used in lectures for students of the educational program «Publishing and editing» in Ukrainian universities, and will also draw the attention of the publishing community to the problems of the development of digital book publishing.
Key words: bookselling, business models, digital distribution, digital book publishing, e-book, field of digital distribution, omnichannel.
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