Media and Language Policy in Ukraine: Impact of Language Laws on the Media Space

H. Hetsko, L. Rusynko-Bombyk


The aim of the study. The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the impact of language laws on the contemporary media space in Ukraine.

Research methodology. The following research methods are used in the article: description, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, forecasting. The method of description is used to highlight the language policy of Ukraine with a detailed description of the importance of language policy for the state. Methods of analysis and synthesis, which are applied during the review and research of articles of language laws in order to identify their impact on the domestic media space. A comparison method that was used to compare the language picture before and after language laws were amended or created. The method of generalization was used at the final stage of our research when formulating independent conclusions. The forecasting method made it possible to identify the prospects for research and development of the language policy of Ukraine, its influence on the media space. Also, in our research, the method of content analysis was used, with the help of which we familiarized ourselves with the information in the mass media regarding the language policy of Ukraine. This made it possible to reveal the attitude of representatives of the mass communication media to language legislation and their focus on compliance / non-compliance with language legislation.

The results. It was determined that language policy has always been an issue that needed special consideration. At the same time, in 2022–2023, amendments were made to the Law of Ukraine «On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as a State Language» and the Law «On Media» was adopted. It was established that the adopted amendments to the legislative acts primarily contribute to the development of the state language and reduce the percentage of the functioning of other languages, while the functioning of the language of the occupier is made impossible.

Novelty. The paper examines the impact of the language laws of 2022–2023 on the media space of Ukraine in the aspect of understanding language policy.

Practical significance. This article has practical significance regarding the improvement of legislation that affects various aspects of the media space in terms of language policy.

Key words: laws of Ukraine, mass media, mass communication media, media space, language policy of Ukraine.


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