Communication Technologies of Public Speaking in Modern Media Space
The purpose of the study is to reveal the specifics and genre modifications of the public speeches of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the head of the Zaporizhia Regional State Administration Yury Malashko in the media space of Ukraine during the period of martial law, communication technologies and stylistic features of their speeches for 2023.
Research methodology. During the research, the method of analysis and synthesis was used, which made it possible to summarize information about public speaking. Also, with the help of content analysis, it was possible to analyze the emotional and semantic dominants of the speeches. The hermeneutic analysis made it possible to identify lexical and grammatical constructions in the leaders' speeches, which are used to convey information to citizens. While researching the technologies of persuasion and rational inferences, the authors applied a functional-pragmatic analysis.
Results. The article presents an analysis of public speeches in the modern information space, examines the specifics of communication technologies used by speakers to inform and influence the target audience. It has been found that in order to achieve an effective result, it is worth applying the techniques of addressing and saying goodbye, which belong to different styles: official-business, artistic or journalistic. The speaker should carefully select arguments and facts that will be as concise as possible. According to the conditions of digital communication, public speeches should be adapted to the specifics of the perception of the recipients.
Novelty. For the first time, information on communication technologies of public speaking, which allow to quickly inform and attract the attention of the target audience, is summarized. The speeches and addresses of the President of Ukraine, the head of the Zaporozhe regional state administration were studied and it was found that they use individual means of influencing the public.
Practical meaning. The obtained data can be used for further scientific research, as well as recommendations when writing and publishing public speeches.
Key words: public speech, communication technologies, structural components, speaker, target audience, media space.
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