Principles of Violation of the Aesthetics of Television Broadcasting on the Example of «Channel 24» Presenters – Kateryna Solyar and Artem Ovdienka
The article defines that the purpose of the research is to analyze the principles of violation of the aesthetics of television broadcasting on the example of the presenters of «Channel 24» – Kateryna Solyar and Artem Ovdienko.
The methodological basis of the research is the systematic, comparative, and induction method. Thus, the systematic method was used in order to reveal the integrity of the scientific views of Ukrainian and foreign researchers regarding the specifics of communication and speech behavior of the presenter on television. The comparative method made it possible to analyze the principles of the violation of television broadcasting on Channel 24 hosted by Kateryna Solyar and Artem Ovdienko. The method of induction was used to study the informational material by means of the analysis of general conclusions.
The results. According to the conducted research, the TV broadcast of presenters Kateryna Solyar and Artem Ovdienko on Channel 24 contains a significant number of linguistic and stylistic mistakes. In addition, presenters are characterized by incorrect pronunciation, they often use Russianisms and some colloquial, colloquial and slang words.
Therefore, when analyzing the principles of violation of television broadcasting on Channel 24 by presenters Kateryna Solyar and Artem Ovdienko, it is important to note that they are dominated by Russianisms and unnatural pronunciation of sounds in the Ukrainian language, their use of fragments from the Russian language.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the principles of violation of the aesthetics of television broadcasting were analyzed using the example of the presenters of Channel 24 – Kateryna Solyar and Artem Ovdienko.
Practical significance. The main results and conclusions can be used for the formation of aesthetic broadcasting on television for linguistic education of all social strata of our citizens, raising the level of speech culture, fostering a respectful attitude towards the Ukrainian language.
Key words: aesthetics, television broadcasting, means of mass communication, lexical and morphological archaisms, information space.
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