Media Literacy Index of Ukrainians: Consumption and Use of Media

О. Dzholos


This study aims to understand the state and level of media literacy of Ukrainians as their ability to consciously perceive and critically interpret information, as well as to use a variety of mass media, based on the analysis of the «Media Literacy Index of Ukrainians: 2020–2022» study conducted by the «New Image Marketing Group» research agency with the support of the «Detector Media» NGO.

Research methodology. The study uses a review of scholarly and publicistic literature on the topic, including a search of academic databases and other relevant materials. To achieve the goal, bibliographic, comparative, and statistical methods were used, as well as definitive analysis to clarify the definition of the «media literacy» term. The bibliographic method involves the study of legislative documents and their analysis. Statistical and comparative methods were used to interpret the «Media Literacy Index of Ukrainians: 2020–2022» study results.

The results of the study show that the level of the overall media literacy index of Ukrainians increased in 2020–2022. The share of the audience with an above-average level of media literacy increased from 55% to 81%. There is a certain correlation between the level of media literacy and the level of education: the lower the educational status, the lower the media literacy index. Significant differences in the level of media literacy are also observed among people with different financial statuses: the higher the level of welfare, the higher the index. There have also been shifts in the understanding of the role of the media in society: the percentage of citizens who believe that the primary mission of the mass media is to inform the public about socially significant events has increased from 54% to 69% during 2022. The share of Ukrainians who believe that the media work in the interests of the state and society generally increased over the past two years, from 8% to 31% and from 8% to 15%, respectively. Among the changes in the media preferences of Ukrainians, it is worth noting a strong increase in interest in Ukrainian-made media content (63%). At the same time, from 68% to 81% of Ukrainians have completely abandoned Russian-made media content (including music). The role of Internet media has increased. Compared to 2020, in 2022, the number of consumers of social and political content in messengers increased 2.5 times (from 19% to 49%). The importance of the problem of disinformation is emphasized by 61% of the audience (compared to 57% in 2020). The share of Ukrainians who detect disinformation by looking for a link to a source in the information material has increased (39% compared to 28%). The number of Ukrainians who check information for accuracy has almost doubled, from 24% to 47%.

Novelty. The «media literacy» concept was introduced into academic circulation in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Media». The article suggests combining the efforts of the state and civil society to implement media literacy projects. It is noted that, according to the law, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting is authorized to determine the main tasks in the field of media literacy.

Practical significance. The results of the analysis of the «Media Literacy Index of Ukrainians:
2020–2022» study and the introduction of the «media literacy» term into academic circulation as defined in the Law of Ukraine «On Media» will contribute to the further development of media education, deepening critical thinking, and raising awareness of the need to master the skills to use media services effectively and safely in times of war.

Key words: media literacy, media, critical thinking, disinformation, media services.


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