Transformation of Television Production during Emergency Situations in Ukraine: Survey Results
Research aim: to characterize the changes in the preparation and broadcasting of the news audiovisual product by Ukrainian television broadcasters and which technologies have become key in providing live broadcasts, live feed, feedback from the audience, etc. during the extraordinary events in the country, namely Covid-19.
Research methodology. A survey method was used to find out changes in media production and broadcasting. The results were interpreted in the form of tables and diagrams through the method of comparison and systematization. The descriptive method was used during the presentation of the research results.
Results. The analysis of scientific literature made it possible to distinguish three main stages of media content production and to structure theoretical knowledge on the organization of broadcasters’ activities in the Ukrainian information space. Considered how today’s challenges – emergency situations in Ukraine – affected the technology of creating news media content and what changes became necessary in the system of transmission of multimedia content. The proposed results of the survey clearly demonstrate how broadcasters chose acceptable ways to organize news production in difficult periods for the country and how innovations in the field of telecommunications, digital technologies, satellite communications and new information processing technologies contributed to regular broadcasting.
Scientific novelty. In the period of emergency situations, starting with the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and continuing through the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, news content is extremely important for users. Prompt delivery of information has become a challenge for broadcasters, as audiovisual content has become more difficult to create due to a number of circumstances. Although thanks to information technologies, the system of news’ collecting and distributing has become simpler, the question of their form and content and the quality of information services to meet the needs of various reading and viewing audiences has arisen. So, the transformational changes in television production have been an interesting experience to study.
Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying communication courses, the work of newsrooms on television, media production and audiovisual product creation technologies, as well as by media practitioners in issues of interaction with the audience.
Key words: media production, news content, newsroom, live broadcast, media reality, audience, television broadcaster.
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