Television Journalism: Information Technologies during Distance Education
The purpose of the article is to analyze new forms and methods of distance education for television journalism students in a higher education institution during the Covid-19 pandemic and the use of modern digital technologies for the production of audiovisual content during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Research methodology. A set of methods was used in the course of the research. The description of distance learning technologies is based on the analysis, synthesis and systematization of the material; the method of comparison has become the key in the study of modern mobile applications as the main tools in the acquisition of practical skills and abilities by prospective television journalists.
Results. The formation of new approaches to online teaching of practical television journalism courses is an urgent need nowadays. The systematization of the research results shows that distance education in times of emergency in Ukraine has become one of the most effective learning technologies, and it is developing quite rapidly due to advances in information technology and computer hardware. Today, the Moodle e-learning system is a powerful platform for mastering a number of practice-oriented courses. At the same time, new tools and instruments are emerging to help develop practical skills in the chosen specialty. Thanks to a number of mobile applications with various editors, prospective TV professionals can use in practice their library and a fairly wide range of both traditional and more complex functionality: Emotion Sense Technology (Magisto), 4D special effects (Likee), live broadcasts, filming and simultaneous publication of audiovisual content on the web, etc.
Novelty. Analyzing the best practices of teaching professional disciplines in television journalism in a distance format and finding new forms and methods for mastering these practical courses is the way to provide quality educational services and the key to successful graduate fulfillment in the media industry.
Practical significance. The use of modern technologies and mobile applications in distance education (along with available educational and methodological materials) will help students acquire the set of practical skills necessary for further independent work, despite the challenges of today.
Key words: television journalism, distance learning, digital technologies, mobile applications, media content production, distance media education.
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