Transformation of Editors’ Work in Terms of Cross-Media Production of School Textbooks
The spreading of printed school textbooks with digital educational materials on the market of educational literature transforms the editors’ workflow and publishing’s production process.
The purpose of the research is to collect the editorial team experience across one publishing house in working on cross-media school textbooks and based on it to describe changes in the structure of editorial work.
Research methodology. This paper describes the results of the study conducted by surveying the editorial team of UEPC «Orion» with a self-completion questionnaire followed by semi-structured interviews of respondents. The method of comparative analysis was employed to indicate the changes in the structure of the editor’s work under the conditions of cross-media production.
Results. It was concluded that the classic editors’ workflow is supplemented with the new processes of preparing digital educational content, and is broadened because of creating the interaction between printed and electronic editions or digital content. The editors feel the novelty of cross-media production, the expansion of the editing process, and the lack of competencies aiming to work with digital educational content. The study outlines the checkpoints of the editor’s workflow on school textbooks with electronic content.
The novelty. The research attempts to organize the editors’ workflow of the publishing’s production of cross-media textbooks according to the stages of editing and to identify the debatable issues of the process.
Practical significant. The results of this survey, apart from coming out with the editors’ thoughts, will help to systematize the experience of Ukrainian educational literature editors in the context of cross-media production and draw the attention of the publishing and educational community to production problems of textbooks with electronic interactive apps.
Key words: digital educational content, cross-media, cross-media textbook, electronic interactive application, editing.
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