How are the Phenomena of Social Communications and Socio-Communication Related in the Context of Synergy of Science
The purpose of the study is to determine the level of synergy of the term «sociocommunications» within communication studies and to highlight the common and distinctive features of the use of the terms «social communications» and «sociocommunications» in other scientific fields.
Research methodology. The following methods were used to achieve the goal. Synergistic – for understanding the role and place of social communications and socio-communications in modern communicativistics. Analytical and synthetic – elaboration of the scientific source base. Content analysis – to distinguish the meaning of these phenomena in the context of the functioning of various sciences. Analytical and inductive methods – a general analysis of existing points of view on the use of the analyzed terms.
The results. Within the framework of communication studies, the term «sociocommunication» as a specific category of social communication can be used to describe the communication interaction between people within narrow, stable social groups (professional, educational, business, etc.). This term describes the interaction between people in a professional environment, in business communication, in marketing research, in advertising, PR and in other aspects of the functioning of such permanent social groups. At the same time, the term «social communication» can be used to denote completely different phenomena. We have not only an example of synergetics, but also a sample of polysemy, which in our case leads to the coexistence of many possible meanings for the term «social communication» – from being synonymous with the term «social communication» to the statement that social communication is a factor in the effectiveness of information activities in a specific cluster section, an element of studying the discourse of the specified content, a factor of linguistic information for a social group, an argument for the use of educational invention technologies in a specific field of knowledge and even a method of studying the information field, etc.
Novelty. The synergy of science leads to many paradoxes that seemed unthinkable ten years ago. The interpenetration of phenomena and phenomena, which once belonged exclusively to one direction of applied technologies and one field of knowledge, has acquired tangible consequences. Communicative studies as a science and social communications as a scientific field were no exception. Many phenomena and terms, traditionally, in the classical scientific circulation, characteristic recently of a single science (philology, sociology, political science, etc.) today feel quite freely and correctly as a sign of a certain applied or theoretical aspect of communication studies. This article is the first attempt to analyze the synergy of social communications and socio-communications as scientific phenomena.
The practical significance is that the obtained results can be used for further scientific research on the terminological synergy of communicativistics.
Key words: audience, communication, content, science, synergy, stratification.
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