Narratives of the Religious Sphere Through the Prism of the Ukrainian Media
The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of the use of nominations, which include the concept of «narrative», on the websites of denominations and in the texts of messages related to the religious sphere in the Ukrainian media, as well as their importance for strategic communications.
Research methodology. According to the purpose of the research, both general scientific methods (descriptive, comparative, analysis, synthesis, generalization) and empirical methods were used during the research, in particular, the continuous selection method and elements of qualitative content analysis.
The results. The analysis has showed that messages of religious topics in media resources presented on the Internet most often aimed at refuting and deconstructing the false meanings that Russia tries to impose when commenting on issues of the religious sphere of Ukraine. The concept of «narrative» is accompanied with the signified concepts together «hostile», «lying», «propagandist», which are used in the context of opposition to the propaganda messages of the aggressor country, which penetrated into the religious space, with the aim of demythologizing the ideology of the «Russian world» (Pax Russica), which is important in the context of strategic communications.
Internet resources of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine (RCCiU) use nominations with the element «narrative» also in order to resist fake news. The websites of the UOC-MP do not use such or related nominations (meanings) outside the religious context, and do so exclusively in relation to holidays, fasting, prophecies, etc.
Novelty is that the nominations in media texts, where the «narrative» is the key element, are singled out, the peculiarities of their use and importance for strategic communications are determined.
Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used during the comprehensive study of religious journalism in Ukraine and as educational material in the process of training future journalists.
Key words: narrative, strategic communications, Christian denominations, Ukrainian media.
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