Publishing Products with Augmented Reality: Operational Problems
The purpose of the research is to identify the key problems of consumers of augmented reality publishing products.
Research methodology. The monitoring method was used to find, systematize and analyze reviews. The methods of generalization and analysis in the study were used to process the obtained data set and identify key blocks of problems and factors that influence their occurence.
Results. The operational problems of augmented reality editions, which are highlighted with the help of user reviews on the App Store and Google Play platforms, are studied. The most common situations are detailed and described. The cumulative number of reviews and ratings on the platforms hosting augmented reality applications gives reason to say that the audience is interested in such a product, but critical reviews dominate, which show dissatisfaction with the quality of the technical implementation of the idea. Numerous negative reviews should become an incentive for improvement, should not be ignored and require careful and systematic processing to improve operational characteristics to extend the product's life on the market.
Five key blocks of problems are identified and their characteristics and causes are analyzed. The factors that influence the emergence of permanent negative experience are identified. The typology of operational problems offered in the article (problems with publishing preparation, problems with polygraphic reproduction, problems with software, problems with hardware, problems of interaction between a book (application) and a person) makes it possible to identify and describe them, as well as formulate solutions for their elimination or prevention. Failure to meet readers' expectations is a negative trigger for reducing trust in publishers' products in the future.
Novelty. For the first time, problems arising during the operation of augmented reality publishing products and applications for its playback are identified and analyzed.
Practical importance. The research aims to draw attention to a wide range of problems at the level of human-product interaction.
Key words: technological innovations, augmented reality, augmented reality publishing products, operational problems.
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