Peculiarities of Communication with Residents and the Role of Social Media in Smart Cities

M. Kitsa


The aim of the work is to outline the most effective communication channels with residents in smart cities.

Research methodology. Both theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the research process. The research methodology consisted of several stages. The first was a comprehensive literature review to understand the current state of knowledge in the fields of smart city development, social media, and urban communication. This involved analyzing existing studies, articles, and reports on how social media is used within smart cities for engaging with residents. The next was data collection. This method was used to build a dataset of types of communication with residents in smart cities. After collecting a dataset of posts in social media, we extract relevant features that can be used to provide effective communication between local authorities and audience. These features include the frequency of writing posts in social media, the types of answers and comments, the explaining of sensitive topics.

Results. It was found out that effective communication with residents in smart cities should include such features: the use of digital platforms for communication (such as mobile apps, social media, or online forums) have seen increased engagement from residents. This could manifest in higher participation rates in city surveys, community events, or feedback mechanisms. Also it was examined that effective communication channels can lead to higher resident satisfaction. This might be due to quicker responses to complaints, more efficient service delivery, or a greater sense of being heard and considered by city administrations.

Novelty. The novelty of this work is the proposed effective types of communication with residents in smart cities. For example, younger residents may prefer social media or apps, while older residents might rely on more traditional methods like community newsletters or public meetings. The next studies might also explore how communication technologies impact the social and cultural fabric of urban communities, possibly affecting community bonding, local culture preservation, and social inclusivity.

Practical meaning. Effective communication channels can lead to higher resident satisfaction. This might be due to quicker responses to complaints, more efficient service delivery, or a greater sense of being heard and considered by city administrations. Moreover, smart city communication strategies might be particularly effective in enhancing public safety. Quick dissemination of information regarding emergencies, health alerts, or public safety incidents can be a significant benefit.

Key words: social media, communication, audience, smart cities.


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