Convergence of Types of Content in the digital Media Space
The research aims to identify the convergence of typological features of content in the digital media space.
The research methodology consists of the use of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, grouping, synchronous section, statistical, and logical generalizations, which made it possible to reveal the convergence of typological features of content about Lesya Ukrainka in the digital media space, modern forms of using scientific and literary information to create journalistic broadcasting.
The results. The convergence of typological features of the content about Lesya Ukrainka in the digital media space opens up the potential of scientific literary information regarding the promotion and popularization of the ideas of classical Ukrainian literature for the formation of a pro-European, intellectual, humanistic society. In the public consciousness of broad strata, the name of Lesya Ukrainka has become a complex symbol of a strong woman, with a strong personality, who is characterized by a desire for European cultural values, freedom, and a broad outlook. The creative heritage of the poetess needs modern interpretation and reinterpretation. Digital media and various resources of social communications use non-standard approaches aimed at popularizing scientific literary content. Modern media and cultural space should combine popular classical and modern narratives, which organically influence the formation of a nationally oriented mentality and worldview of a wide range of consumers.
The scientific novelty of the work consists of clarifying the convergence of typological features of forestry content in the digital media space.
Practical meaning. The popularization of the creative heritage of Lesya Ukrainka in the digital media space contributes to the formation of the national information space, and the preservation and development of the national identity based on the examples of intellectual literature, culture, and science.
Key words: media space, electronic information space, popularization, new media, blog, social communications, journalism.
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