Mass Communication in Foreign Economic Activity: Content and Structure

N. Kodatska, O. Oblasova, O. Tsvietaieva


Purpose. To analyze the content and structure of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity as a process of open transmission of messages, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity, and to develop on this ground the basic directions for training specialists in mass communication, in particular in the sphere of foreign economic activity.

Research methodology. The structural-functional analysis method was used to determine the structure of mass communication and study its functions; the modeling method was applied to develop the directions for training specialists in mass communication.

Results. The essence of foreign economic activity and its regulatory and legal definition were considered. The content of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity is elaborated as a social activity of creating, disseminating and consuming mass information, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity. The analysis of the mass communication structure was carried out and characterized such of its components as subjects of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, means of communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, effects of mass communication, as well as types of communications in the system of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity. In the system of mass communication, the following subsystems are distinguished: creation (production) of mass information product; its dissemination (transmission); consumption (use) of this product; mass culture inherent in the subjects of mass information relations, which determines the corresponding value paradigms, behavioral models, technologies of working with mass information. The subjects of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity are identified, namely: government authorities, enterprises, public organizations (associations), researchers (experts), related to the sphere of foreign economic activity, individual citizens as consumers, employees of the sphere, participants of foreign economic activity, specialized communicative institutions (international economic media, international advertising and PR agencies, etc.). Such types of communications in the system of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity are distinguished as: media communication (informational and analytical content), advertising communication (advertising content and advertising campaigns), and PR communication (PR content and PR campaigns). Based on the defined structure of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, a model of training specialists in mass communication, in particular in the sphere of foreign economic activity, is offered.

Novelty. The content of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity is elaborated as a social activity of creating, disseminating and consuming mass information, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity to a large, anonymous to the sender, heterogeneous and dispersed audience in Ukraine and abroad using specialized and institutionalized communicative means, such as mass and corporate media, online platforms of foreign economic activity entities, as well as advertising and PR communication entities.

Practical significance. The developed approach to understanding the essence of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity can be the basis for the development and implementation of educational programs for training specialists in mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, aimed at training specialists in this area of practical activity.

Key words: mass communication, mass information, foreign economic activity, communication effects, model of training specialists in mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity.


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