Digital Resources for Investigative Journalism: Regional Experience
The purpose of the research is the scientifically correct substantiation of digital resources (services, registers, national and international databases, etc.) and the peculiarities of their use during journalistic investigations at the regional level.
Research methodology is subject to sequential and logical stages of study. The initial stage involved holding webinars and offline training with the participation of investigative experts. The expert survey method made it possible to outline the real state of the issue, to obtain professional cases, and to draw theoretical conclusions. At the second stage, the regional facts were analyzed using the monitoring method and the comparative method. A system-analytical method was used to systematize and generalize information. The method of static information processing made it possible to create diagrams.
Results. A holistic understanding of journalistic investigation as a method of information gathering, a journalistic genre, and an independent media direction is presented. The essence of such concepts as journalistic investigation and digital resources is explained. The regional experience of using digital resources for journalistic investigation was studied. The conclusion determined the frequency of access to digitized resources.
The novelty consists in a synergistic approach to the substantiation of the declared problem: study of expert experience, monitoring of regional investigation facts, development of the academic base. The list of popular digital resources used for professional purposes is composed.
Practical significance. The material contributes to the conduct of quality journalistic investigations, and forms the professional toolkit of an investigator. The prospects of the study are related to the analysis of the experience of other media, the compilation of a more complete list of databases, registers, etc., and the development of a study guide for students.
Key words: journalistic investigation, investigative journalism, investigative journalist, digital tools, digital resources, databases, data registers.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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Indexing of the journal in scientometric databases:
The publication is indexed by Citefactor: 2019/2020: 4,54.
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In 2020, the journal was included in the Index Copernicus.
The journal is indexed by Innospace Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 2016: 5,899, 2017: 6,435, 2018: 7,037, 2019: 7,431
From 2020, the collection is indexed by ResearchBib.
Journal included in the PKP Index.