Decolonization of the Modern Ukrainian Information Space: Transformation of Television Content

V. Shvets


The aim of the study is to identify the transformation of television content as a result of the intensification of decolonization processes in Ukraine, which was catalyzed by the active phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Research methodology. To achieve this aim, the following general academic research methods were used: description, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and forecasting. The method of description was used to highlight the Ukrainian government’s policy (de-Russification, decommunization, and decolonization) aimed at combating Russian propaganda narratives. The methods of analysis and synthesis were used to examine changes in school curricula (including their motivational part) and the further impact of these changes on the Ukrainian information space. The method of comparison helped to analyze the nature of the patriotic component in Ukrainian TV series during the period of collaboration with Russian production companies (until 2022) and after it was stopped. The method of generalization was used to record the conclusions, and the method of forecasting was useful at the stage of assessing the prospects of a Ukrainian TV product on nationwide TV channels.

Results. The article identifies the peculiarities of the Ukrainian government's policy aimed at decolonizing Ukrainian culture and education, as well as establishes the connection between legislative initiatives and qualitative changes in the content of Ukrainian television products, cleansing them from Russian imperial narratives.

Novelty. The article attempts to trace the impact of government initiatives to decolonize the information space, the activities of independent Ukrainian production companies, the modernization of the ideological and thematic content of Ukrainian television series, and the rejection of hostile propaganda templates.

Practical significance. The obtained findings can be used not only for further research on the «cancel culture» phenomenon in Ukraine, but also in the professional activities of screenwriters, showrunners, and media producers to create a high-quality television product that is free of imperial narratives, and to popularize it on the market.

Key words: decolonization, television content, language awareness, media space.


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