Digitalization Tools of Ukrainian Local Media
The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of digitalization tools for creating regional content in the modern media sphere.
Research methodology. Methods such as observation, analysis, description, and systematic approach were used to study digitalization tools used by local media (regional editorial boards of «Suspilny» media). An analysis of digitalization processes in Ukrainian local media was carried out using the observation method. The observation made it possible to directly record how local media implement digital tools, adapt to new technologies, and interact with their audience in a digital environment. The method of analysis made it possible to systematically and deeply investigate various aspects of digital transformations and identify patterns, advantages, and problems arising in the process of transitioning to a digital environment. The description is used for a detailed presentation of the transition to digital technologies in the media sphere, as well as the characteristics of specific tools used by editorial offices and journalists. The method of the system approach was used to consider the interrelationships of local media and the effects on various aspects of the media environment.
Results. The Ukrainian media is now in a dynamic process of transformation. The role of local media is growing, and «citizen journalism» is actively developing in all regions of the country. This is related to both nation-wide trends and the specifics of wartime, when access to news from all-Ukrainian media may be limited or slowed down, and the need to obtain up-to-date information is growing.
The article analyzes modern digital transformation tools that help the media adapt to changing audience needs and remain competitive.
The abovementioned became especially relevant with the start of the war in 2022, when regional media and public figures had to look for new ways to interact with the audience. At the same time, the popularity of Telegram channels as an effective and efficient way of informing Ukrainians in the conditions of constant challenges and threats has grown significantly.
Novelty. An in-depth analysis of real examples of the implementation of digitization in local media was carried out, which made it possible to identify the most successful strategies and approaches. It is studied how digitalization changes the process of content creation and interaction with the audience, including new forms of media products and changes in consumer habits. A systematic approach to the integration of digital technologies into the activities of local media is offered, which includes strategic planning, technical preparation, and adaptation of content for different platforms. Thus, the article not only describes the current state of digitization of Ukrainian local media but also offers new approaches and methods to increase their effectiveness in the rapidly changing digital environment.
Practical significance. The research results can be useful for current and prospective journalists, namely for improving their skills and approaches to content creation; for scholars who study the tools of digitization of regional and Ukrainian mass media.
Key words: digitization, content, news, journalism, media, local newsrooms, media reality, digitalization toolsFull Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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