Manipulative Techniques in the Publications of Ukrainian Telegram-Channels
The goal of research is to identify manipulative techniques in the content of the well-known Lviv Telegram-channel «Trukha Lviv».
Research methods. During the research, the following methods were used: content analysis – to interpret the content of the well-known Lviv Telegram-channel «Trukha Lviv»; comparison – to compare the features of the presentation of informational messages in this Telegram-channel during various periods of 2024, as well as the manipulative methods used by the authors to influence the audience’s consciousness, are compared; the method of monitoring the works of well-known scholars who studied the Telegram platform in the work of the media was also used.
Results. In this research, manipulative techniques in the messages of the well-known Lviv Telegram-channel «Trukha Lviv» are analyzed. This resource is popular, which can be confirmed by looking at the number of its subscribers and the reactions of the audience under informational messages. Every day, this Telegram-channel promptly provides a wide variety of information, relevant both on a regional and national scale.
The monitoring of «Trukha Lviv» demonstrates that this Telegram-channel uses manipulative techniques to influence the audience’s consciousness. The analysis of academic studies shows that researchers speak positively about this messenger and advise mass media to establish their work on the Telegram platform. However, such information should be verified before use or publication.
Novelty. After the full-scale war, Telegram continues to be the main source of information for most Ukrainians. In 2023, it was used as a media by 72% of Ukraine citizens. Not every one of them has developed critical thinking, so it is very easy to exert a destructive influence on the consciousness of such a person. That is why it is extremely necessary for scholars to regularly and carefully study the specifics of content presentation in Telegram-channels and to single out manipulative methods and ways of combating them.
Practical significance. The data of this study can be used in further academic research by scholars, in popular-science materials of the media, as well as during the teaching of relevant academic disciplines in educational institutions where there is a «Journalism» specialty.
Key words: media, Telegram, Telegram-channels, manipulation, information, fake.
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