Research objective. The purpose of the study is to reveal the mechanisms of manipulative influence in the media by journalists and other representatives of the media sphere, their impact on public opinion and consequences for society, particularly in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Research methodology. A combination of methods was used to achieve the objective, including structural-semiotic analysis, monitoring, content analysis, observation, comparison, synthesis and conceptual mapping.
Results. The article provides an overview and analysis of different types of media manipulation, from standard methods to the use of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and social media. The article also grounds the importance of critical thinking and media literacy as a means of resisting media manipulation.
Novelty. World events in recent years have led to a rethinking of the importance of controlling information and the media influence on the formation of citizens' worldviews. In this context, the article suggests ways to counter media manipulation.
Practical significance. The findings of this study are to determine the importance of understanding and identifying media manipulation in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The study reveals the need for further research and promotion of discussion of the problem at various levels of society.
Key words: media, manipulation, media literacy, content, information, fake, disinformation, war.
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PDF (Українська)References
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