Purpose of research. The purpose of the article is to investigate the theoretical and applied principles of planning and implementation of communication campaigns, the essence and structure of the concept, characteristics of the phenomenon and stages.
Research methodology. The methodological basis of the research was the works of domestic scientists who studied the peculiarities of communication campaigns: V. Korolka, T. Marochko, E. Romat, A. Strelkovska, T. Khimchenko, D. Konyk, T. Dibrova, S. Solntseva, K. Bazherina and foreign authors: A. Baruk, V. Grzegozha, R. Batra, K. Keller, K. Berger, M. Rolof, R. Evoldsen, E. Bernays, R. Owen, P. Humphrey, A. Pratt, A. Weatherford, M. Yadav, Y. Joshi, Z. Rahman. The following approaches were used: comparative-historical, retrospective, situational and analytical.
Results. The definitions of the concepts «communication campaign» and «communication campaign» are proposed, the justification for the use of the generalized term «communication campaign» is provided. The algorithm for preparation and implementation of communication campaigns is presented.
Novelty. A unified approach to understanding communication campaigns from the point of view of their activity is proposed, methodological aspects of their development and implementation are summarized, in particular, a work algorithm is synthesized, which is relevant for researchers and practitioners in the field of marketing, PR and mass communications.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by marketers, PR specialists and organizations to develop effective communication campaigns that contribute to the achievement of strategic goals.
Key words: communication campaign, advertising, social communications, campaign preparation algorithm, marketing communication, PR, strategy, target audience, information campaign.
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