Local or Regional? How to Determine the Geography of Print Media Distribution Today

O. Pogorelov


This research aims to: study the requirements of the legislation, departmental documents and practices of the national postal operator and identify patterns that can be recommended for use in daily practice by periodicals publishers and researchers.

Research methodology. The study uses the method of search and analysis to study the requirements set forth in the legislation and regulations of the national postal operator PJSC Ukrposhta for designation by business entities in the field of periodical media publishing of the territory where they plan to distribute their media. The use of historical, analytical and synthetic, comparative and descriptive methods, as well as a systematic approach, made it possible to summarise the data obtained during the search and analysis.

Results. The adoption of the Law on Media and the termination of the Law on Printed Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine, the reform of the national postal operator Ukrposhta, the impact of digital technologies on the work of periodicals and the development of social media as information providers have led to changes in the definition and presentation of the geographic distribution of media that are limited to a certain territory. This study presents all the factors of influence and conclusions on the choice of designation for geographically localised media – regional, local or local.

Changes in the legislation governing the operation of printed periodicals in Ukraine since December 2022 have also led to changes in the way publishers designate the geography of distribution of their media. Previously, publishers had to choose from a list of geographical distribution designations approved by law, but now they have the opportunity to set this geography of distribution independently, combining the terminology of the administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine and their own marketing objectives. This opens up new opportunities for publishers of print periodicals and should be taken into account by researchers when studying the work of the press in Ukraine in the current context.

The novelty is to compare the definitions defined by the laws and other regulatory acts in force in Ukraine with the practice of the national postal operator and the preferences of the audience in choosing a source of information about events in their territory of residence.

Practical significance. The results of this study will help to avoid ambiguities in scientific and other studies of the periodicals distributed in a geographically limited area. It will also provide publishers with a key to determining the most favourable positioning of their media and more clearly distinguishing them from competitors.

Key words: sphere of distribution, geography of distribution, territory of copies distribution, print media, local media, regional media.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2024.3(59).5


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