Echoes of Propaganda: Communication Strategies of Military Media in Ukraine and Turkey
Military journalism in the context of a military conflict acquires a special value and role, as it is not only an image-forming factor of the national troops (AFU), but also a source of verified, dosed information, which is extremely necessary for both the military and ordinary Ukrainians in the context of war and enemy information and psychological attacks. This is the case when "positive" propaganda is welcome and is a necessary component of the fight against the aggressor, not only for the military, but also for the entire society to properly resist. Despite the martial law, certain material, technical, and sometimes financial constraints, and the demands of the time to reform military journalism as such, specialized media demonstrate positive dynamics and development prospects, as they not only foster patriotism, cover the events of the theater of operations, which is closely watched by the world, but also show a new type of war in terms of technology, involvement of participants and the world media, and the modern information space in general.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Ukrainian and Turkish military media to identify different types of propaganda, the use of propaganda technologies, and their impact on the information space of their countries and the readership.
Research methodology. The study used a number of methods, including classification (to identify types of propaganda in Ukrainian and Turkish military media); synchronic (focusing on the context of international military conflicts and wars, including Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the war in Israel); comparative (to substantiate different types of propaganda and technologies in the analyzed media in relation to cultural, historical, religious features and current domestic and international politics of both countries); interpretive (to analyze the content of the media).
Results of the study. It has been established that the role of Ukrainian and Turkish military media cannot be overestimated, since in one case they play an important role in the survival and existence of a sovereign state, and in the other case they are used to boost the military industry, economic development of the state and the political image of the leaders of the state (in the context of the election campaign), propaganda of their regime, as well as the formation of Turkey’s international image as a regional leader and a serious player in international politics and the resolution of military conflicts. It is found that horizontal propaganda in the Ukrainian media is not only justified, but also expedient in times of war to protect statehood, preserve the institution of the army and the survival of the people, and preserve national identity. The demand for such journalism and propaganda is obvious, especially given the percentage of public trust in both the military leadership and the Armed Forces as a whole. By analyzing specific publications, it was possible to identify the peculiarities of propaganda strategies of countries that are involved in the war, are not opponents or enemies, but instead belong to different political regimes, have different cultural, historical and religious influences, and have different goals. Accordingly, both common and distinctive features in the types of propaganda, strategies and technologies of influence on the audience can be traced.
Scientific novelty. The article is the first to conduct a comparative analysis of journalistic materials of specialized Ukrainian media (Ukrainian military portal) «Defense Express» and «Ukrainian Military Pages» and Turkish «Defence Turk» and «C4 Defence», which operate in wartime. The materials and information policy of specialized media of the allied countries in the military sphere are analyzed, propaganda strategies and a certain type of communication with the audience, including technologies of influence on their readers, are identified in order to establish an appropriate representation of the results, specifics and prospects of the study.
Practical significance – the results of the research can be used for further analysis of the military media, identifying the peculiarities of their propaganda in wartime, and improving the media in this area. Also, the research materials can be used in educational programs, individual courses and special courses in military institutions of Ukraine.
Key words: military media, public opinion, Ukraine, Turkey, analysis, content, propaganda, strategy, technology.
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