Digitalization of the Communication Space of Territorial Communities as a Strategic Development Priority

О. Chornobut


Research objective – Identification of the key challenges and advantages of digitalization in Ukrainian territorial communities during martial law.

Research methodology. The objectives of the scientific study have determined the choice of research methods, including analytical and descriptive methods, to examine the practical application of digital technologies at the current stage of territorial community development. The study also involved the generalization of the theoretical and methodological framework for researching information technologies, particularly as objects of socio-communication relations and resource management. Through monitoring the use of digital technologies in territorial communities, a comparison was made regarding the impact of information resource quality on the development of successful (capable) communities.

Results. The results of the conducted research indicate that the global digitalization of the communication space is a key factor in the formation and development of territorial communities in Ukraine, particularly under martial law. Collaboration between Ukraine and international organizations plays a crucial role in this process, facilitating the implementation of digital technologies in public administration. However, the pace of digital transformation in regions experiencing active hostilities remains insufficient, underscoring the need to accelerate this process through state financial and informational support. The primary advantage of digitalization is the increased efficiency of interaction between residents and community leadership, ensuring access to electronic services at any time and from any location. Analyzing data obtained through monitoring the official websites of international and national programs and projects allowed for an assessment of the state of digitalization in territorial communities located in areas of active hostilities, in the context of their socio-communication development.

The novelty the digitalization and informatization of information and communication processes in territorial communities have proven to be effective tools for stabilizing internal community processes during martial law, social, and humanitarian crises, as well as for establishing inter-municipal and international support. Digitalization, as part of the communication strategy of territories, contributes to the formation of an internal consolidated micro-society within the community and counteracts the destructive effects of hostilities.

Practical significance. The research results can be applied in the planning and development of strategies for territorial community development, particularly in the area of information policy. The implementation of state policy aimed at informatization and the use of digital technologies can improve the efficiency of interaction between subjects and objects of communication during martial law.

Key words: informatization, digitalization, communication policy, territorial community.


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