Social Responsibility of Communication Agencies During the Russian-Ukrainian War
The purpose of the study is to characterize the features of the application of social responsibility toolkit of communication agencies during the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Research methodology. During the development and systematization of the theoretical and methodological base on the implementation of social responsibility of communication agencies, the descriptive and systematic method was used for the detailed description of examples of application of the social responsibility toolkit of communication agencies; grouping and comparativist when identifying common or different (original) types of tools.
The results. Compliance with the principles of social responsibility by communication agencies during the Russian-Ukrainian war takes place on the foundations of transparency, openness and democracy. The main toolkit of social responsibility of communication agencies are the generation and launch of social communication campaigns, charity meetings, volunteer initiatives, creation of social advertising, provision of own informational resources for placing communication appeals for the needs of combating the aggressor, participation and support of social projects, collaboration with brands, involvement foreign partners for the purpose of propaganda, educational and explanatory work, etc. The use of measures and projects by communication agencies within the framework of social responsibility in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war is extremely important from all points of view – supporting one’s own state, building the reputation of a strong brand of Ukraine on the world stage, rallying one’s own employees for the sake of qualitatively meeting the needs of clients and caring for their well-being, economic stability and loyalty to the communication agencies themselves.
Novelty. The novelty of the researched question lies in the understanding of the peculiarities of the application of the toolkit of social responsibility of communication agencies during the Russian-Ukrainian war, the determination of its role in the general strategy of the enterprise’s development.
Practical significance. The conducted scientific research makes it possible to use the developed materials in teaching practical courses on advertising management, advertising, advertising business, organizing the work of advertising and PR agencies, conducting trainings for employees of communication, advertising, digital agencies, etc.
Key words: communication agency, social responsibility, social advertising, social direction communication campaign, responsibility to society, corporate responsibility.
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