Multimediality of Official Online Media in Wartime When Covering Emergency Events

О. Artamonova, Т. Rohova


The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of information presentation in multimedia online publications of state bodies especially in wartime by analysing the content of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration (hereinafter – ZRSA) website.

The research methodology is based on the use of quantitative and qualitative analysis of materials on the ZRSA website (25.05.2023, 01.06.2024 and 29.06.2024) for the efficiency of presentation and use of multimedia. The choice of dates is explained by the rocket attacks on the city and the region: 25.05.2023 – a strike on the terminal of Zaporizhzhia International Airport, 01.06.2024 – a strike on the Dnipro hydroelectric power station dam, 29.06.2024 – a strike on the centre of Vilniansk city, so, in authors’ opinion, it is appropriate to analyse how the website of a state body presents official information on pathogenic informational occasions and what multimedia it uses for this purpose.

Results. The media field in a near-frontline location is constantly forced to adapt to ongoing challenges: the work of correspondents in dangerous areas, regular (permanent) air raid alarms, psychological problems of editorial staff caused by chronic stress, intensification of the information flow, competition, struggle for the audience’s attention in terms of efficiency, accuracy of data presentation, the emergence of local («civilian» – with a wide range of content that is quickly adapted to certain news events – authors’ note) micro-media that exist only in social networks, etc.

The analysis of the source base of content published on the website of the ZRSA ( revealed that the websites of official bodies comply with the current legislation in terms of covering information of a pathogenic nature, sometimes at the expense of efficiency, but in compliance with legal norms. It was noted that today, practical cases specifically are developing more actively than academic developments in the field of social communications, which indicates the rapid development of the media industry under the influence of military challenges. The problem of incorrect perception of the term «war journalism» by the audience was emphasized and the consequences of this situation were noted.

The scientific novelty lies in the first attempt to describe the principle of presenting sensitive information of a pathogenic nature on the website of the regional state administration of a near-frontline city using multimedia.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in teaching disciplines related to the work of press services, the activities of military journalists, in filling media literacy courses that are of interest to students, practical journalists to improve their skills and competencies, and to teachers of specialised faculties.

Key words: multimedia, photo and video content, professional standards, martial law, legal aspect, journalistic ethics.


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