The Concept of «Ukrainian Corruption» as a Mass Media Myth and a Component of Information Warfare
The purpose of the study is to identify the main narratives that influence the formation and spread of the concept of «Ukrainian corruption» in the world’s media reality.
Research methodology. Using the method of systematization of open data sources, the leading narratives that accompany the mass media concept of «Ukrainian corruption» are outlined. The observation method allowed us to formulate a hypothesis about invasive influences on mass consciousness in the formation of beliefs about the corruption of Ukrainian society and power elites. The induction method provided an opportunity to check the correlation of this hypothesis with already conducted research and to substantiate it. The interpretation method is also important in the work.
Results. The topic of corruption in Ukraine is included in the list of the most common in both domestic and Western media. The coverage of informational pretexts behind it is fueled by several objective reasons. The central place among them is determined by materials that address the processes of Ukraine’s formation as a democratic state. At the same time, researchers record the artificial replication of unreliable reports about Ukrainian corruption, the purpose of which is to demoralize Ukrainian society and reduce the level of trust in it among Western partners. In addition to the influence of Russian propaganda, the conceptualization of the idea of Ukrainian corruption is influenced by the optics of the «civilizational superiority» of the Western world, which builds an imaginary hierarchy of progressiveness of states.
Novelty. The article is the first attempt to unite the wide field of narrative influences that form the concept of «Ukrainian corruption» in the information space.
Practical significance. The results of the study are of interest to students studying disciplines related to media criticism, the history of information warfare, and compliance with journalistic standards in work. Some conclusions expand the subject field of analysis on postcolonial issues and media hygiene and can contribute to the development of specific advice for practicing journalists.
Key words: Ukrainian corruption, Russia's war against Ukraine, propaganda, information war, manipulation, information security, national interests, information space.
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