Еuropean Standards of Ethical Principles in Journalism

N. Kodatska, О. Oblasova, О. Tsvietaieva


Purpose. The study aims to analyze modern European ethical standards in journalism, determine their role in shaping professional norms, review the ethical dilemmas and challenges faced by media professionals in adhering to these standards, and develop recommendations for improving the system of ethical regulation in the media sector.

Research methodology. The study employs the normative-legal analysis method to examine international documents and ethical codes from various European countries that define the ethical principles of journalists’ conduct. A comparative method is also applied to identify commonalities and differences in national and international standards of journalistic ethics.

Results. The research reviews the theoretical foundations and current state of European ethical standards in journalism. A comparative analysis of the key principles of ethical codes in European countries and the Code of Ethics for Ukrainian Journalists was conducted. Key trends in the development of ethical norms in contemporary European media practices were identified. An analysis of dilemmas and challenges journalists face when adhering to ethical standards was carried out. The study found that journalistic codes of ethics across European countries share many similarities due to their focus on protecting democratic values and freedom of expression. However, cultural, legal, and social differences account for variations in regulatory approaches. To enhance the effectiveness of ethical regulation, the study recommends further harmonization of standards, with particular attention to the challenges posed by the digital era and the threats of spreading misinformation.

The research suggests implementing ethical models for Ukrainian media outlets that consider the features of the contemporary European media environment, characterized by a combination of technological innovation, cultural diversity, and global challenges. Such models could aid in adapting Ukrainian ethical standards to current realities and increasing public trust in the media as an institution.

The study developed recommendations to improve the system of ethical regulation in journalism. These recommendations focus on harmonization, enhancing efficiency, and adapting ethical regulation to contemporary challenges. Their implementation is expected to increase trust in the media, strengthen democratic institutions, and foster the development of journalism as an independent societal institution.

Novelty. The study reveals the fundamental principles of ethical codes in various European countries and identifies trends in the changing ethical landscape of journalism in response to the development of digital technologies. It also proposes new ethical models that take into account the specifics of the modern media environment.

Practical significance. The findings of the study can be used to develop and refine internal ethical codes for media organizations given the adherence to European standards enhances the reputation of media outlets among audiences and partners. High-quality journalism that meets European ethical standards is also a crucial factor in media competitiveness in the marketplace.

Key words: European standards of journalistic ethics, ethical principles in journalism, combating misinformation, national ethical codes, media digitalization.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2024.4(60).6


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