ChatGPT as a Tool in the Work of a Journalist
Research objective is to analyze and identify the advantages of ChatGPT chatbot as a tool for media professionals’ work.
Research methodology. Artificial intelligence (hereinafter – AI) is rapidly developing in the media environment. For journalists, modern technologies help in their work. The ChatGPT AI generator has certain functions that facilitate the work of media professionals. To evaluate the efficiency and quality of the chatbot’s performance, the criteria developed by Dr. S. Biswas were used. By analyzing and synthesizing ChatGPT’s responses, it is possible to determine whether its advantages are justified and whether it can be useful for journalists. The study employed the method of analysis as well as an experiment to assess the effectiveness of ChatGPT.
Results. The paper aims to investigate ChatGPT’s compliance with the advantages proposed by the scholar S. Biswas. Among the criteria, News Aggregation and Data-Driven Journalism were considered. The proposed case study focuses on the Russian-Ukrainian war. Our research aims to help journalists assess how effectively and efficiently the chatbot performs media-related tasks and enable them to either engage it effectively in the media sphere or decide not to work with it.
Novelty. The field of artificial intelligence is developing very rapidly, especially in the media environment, which calls for academic understanding. In particular, ChatGPT requires testing and academic justification of its effectiveness. For journalists, the latest technology can either help or hinder them. This article analyzes ChatGPT’s compliance with Dr. S. Biswas’ criteria, so the study enables media professionals to assess how to approach ChatGPT and whether to use it in their work.
Practical significance. For media professionals, the article will help to use ChatGPT in preparing various materials, including information retrieval, analysis, summarizing, formulating ideas and opinions, and writing media content. Additionally, the research will assist in studying courses related to the specialties of Journalism, as well as Publishing and Media Modeling, and Information Activity.
Key words: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, journalist, media sphere, media worker, Dr. S. Biswas.
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