Media Discourse: Methodological Possibilities of Study
The aim of the study is to outline possible potential approaches to studying media discourse, depending on the field of science, its connection to related disciplines, and the specific objectives of individual research projects.
Research methodology. The article outlines the methodology of media discourse research, therefore its main methods are the most generalized ones, such as analysis and synthesis, which enable a theoretical approach to examining any scientific issue, as well as a descriptive method for presenting the obtained results.
Results. The article explores the possible directions of studying media discourse from the perspective of social communication science and linguistics, as well as the range of methods that can be used by researchers depending on the goals and objectives of the work performed.
The article traces the evolution of the discourse concept as an object of research in the works of international and Ukrainian scholars, and emphasizes approaches to the interpretation of discourse from the perspective of linguistics and social communications.
The article presents various methods for studying issues related to Ukrainian media discourse, communicative potentials of the language register in its semantic-stylistic and style variations, and the importance of considering the observer’s position when analyzing textual communication.
The novelty lies in the approach to analysis through taking into account the positions of discursive subjects – the author and the recipient – and in examining communication through the correlation of two projections of the text, created by participants in direct or indirect communication.
The practical significance lies in the potential application of the results obtained in teaching courses of the linguistic and social communication cycles at higher education institutions, as well as in academic research on media discourse issues.
Key words: discourse, media discourse, social communications, method, text projection, author, audience.
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